How to set up Static IP on a gateway modem

If you have a gateway modem like a C4000XG, follow these instructions to set up Static IP. Follow these steps to configure Static IP through the modem user settings.

C4000XG modem front and back view

Step 1: Sign in to your Modem GUI (settings)

1.  Connect a computer to your home network, using either an Ethernet cord plugged into the back of your modem, or by connecting to WiFi. 

2.  Open a browser window and type http://192.168.01 into the web address field.

3.  Sign in to the Modem GUI (settings portal) using the Admin Username and Admin Password. These are printed on the sticker on the side or bottom of your modem.

Log into the modem interface with the Administrator Username and Password

4.  Select the Advanced Setup icon in the main menu.

Advanced setup menu in the modem GUI

5.  Select WAN Settings in the left side menu.

CBRAS Step 5

6.  For ISP Protocol, select Auto Select from the drop-down, then Apply.

CBRAS Step 6

7.  Now select LAN Subnets in the next section of the side menu.

CBRAS Step 7

8.  Choose a name for the LAN subnet you want to create. The LAN subnet name cannot contain spaces.

CBRAS Step 8

9.  Select the interfaces you want to associate with the subnet you are adding. Most users will want to select Ethernet 1, 2, 3 and 4.

CBRAS Step 9

10.  For IPv4 Addressing State and Modem IPv4 Admin Access, select Enable.

CBRAS Step 10

11.  Enter the Network Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway Address provided in your static IP confirmation email.

CBRAS Step 11

12.  Select Apply to save your changes.

CBRAS Step 12

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